Galina Ulanova


G.S. Ulanova’s anniversary

The foundation celebrates  the 110th anniversary of the great ballerina in 2020. On January 8, 2020, Vladimir Vasilyev’s program “The Legend Stays Alive” was released on Kultura TV channel. “The Legend Stays Alive” is an author’s view of the great ballerina and personality who had a great influence on several generations in the twentieth century; Also Foundatiion is going to create a new photo album “Galina Ulanova. 

A series of evenings about Galina Ulanova will be held in Moscow and other cities of Russia. The Foundation will cooperate with the Bakhrushinsky Museum to maintain and renovate the expositions in the Museum-apartment of G.S.Ulanova on the Kotelnicheskaya embankment. The Foundation will continue to contact  to the competent state leaders and authorities so that the monument to G.S.Ulanova to be erected  and her name to be given to one of the streets or squares in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the name of G.S.Ulanova to be given to the aircraft and sea liners.



The Fountain of Bakchisaray

“I continue to work on Maria, finding for her new smiled, new expression in the arms, new plastic lines… I eventually managed to locate in Maria that state of equilibrium that is essential for every actor, when the characterization traits become organic… Success, a lot is been written about the production.”



Swan Lake

“Since January 1929, the Swan has firmly entered my repertoire, and I often had to dance in this ballet …” I’m a swan  I am already acquainted with the choreographer conception. I have though a lot about this role. A bewitched girl — a proud and tender being. I love her. I searched for her in myself,  finding, rejoicing at them…The arms! The most important thing are the arms — the eloquent, singing, flowing arms ..”



Romeo and Julliet

“In general, work on Romeo was difficult. We didn’t immediately feel Prokofiev’s music. Prokofiev’s Juliet is romantic, Shakespeare’s is more earthy. I had to find a Juliet which would combine both the one and the other…” G.S.Ulanova



“All I can suggest is: come to Moscow, go to the Bolshoi and see Ulanova in Giselle.

It is incredible, fantastic perfection, an incredible dream which has come true, the brush of a butterfly’s wing on the  eyelash, a dress in finest gossamer studded in diamonds, a poem so beautiful that the heart aches, a barely audible song. It is the most breath-taking and beautiful thing I have ever seen. …They talk about the seven wonders of the world. That’s it — it is a wonder of the world!”

Harrison Salisbury



“…and it seemed to me yesterday or your perfect interpretation  persuaded me of this, that this role very fully and directly expresses your own world, something important in you, like conviction. This force is dear to me in that it poses a threat to that also centuries’ old, false and pusillanimous, cringing court element. How did you manage to extract plastic and emotional continuity from this discontinuous, conventional, disintegrating into pieces ballet?..”

Boris Pasternak

Tao Hoa

The Red Poppy

«In 1949, it was already difficult to make convincing the somewhat naïve stylization The bed Poppy. Ulanova’s tact, impeccable taste were needed  to  introduce  into  the  role of Tao-Hoa a feeling of genuine style, rather than tawdry imitation of it»

B. Lvov-Anokhin

About Ulanova

“She is the genius of Russian ballet, its elusive soul, its inspired poetry. In classical roles, Ulanova reaches a depth of expression unprecedented in 20th century ballet…”

Sergey Prokofiev

“My God, how she dances! Her body sings like a nightingale — each gesture, each  movement, each muscle … Her technique is invisible! It vanishes, dissolves in a huge spurt of inspiration which sets fire to everything» Ulanova, despite her injuries, and with no thought for herself, gives a lot of performances”

Alexander Vertinsky

“Galina Ulanova is a ballerina who grasped the profound secrets of art, she united together into a single, indissoluble whole feeling and its outer expression”

Maurice Bejart

“Her art  is above everything earthly, thinner, cleaner, more refined. She is above the world of vanity.”

Vladimir Vasiliev

News And Events

The Legend Stays Alive

The Legend Stays Alive

The author's program of the legendary dancer of the twentieth century, choreographer, director, People's Artist of the USSR and Russia, Vladimir Vasilyev is dedicated to the great Russian ballerina Galina Ulanova. A dancer, actress, teacher - she was the embodiment of...

Rosina Winiarsky’s Archive

Rosina Winiarsky’s Archive

In the celebration dedicated to the 105th anniversary of G.S.Ulanova’s birth, the Foundation gathered those for whom she was not just a symbol of great ballet, but a person who lived a bright life. The meeting was held in the museum-apartment of the ballerina in the...


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